This email is for 2009 and 2010 born girls regarding BC Summer games zone 7 tryouts.
Due to scheduling conflicts expressed by a few families I want to offer a second tryout date in hopes of getting all eligible girls a chance to tryout. The second date will be May 26 in Smithers at Chandler Park fields at 10am and 2pm. I would like to encourage everyone to try be at the May 5 tryout as those will be the main tryout sessions. The May 26 tryout date is a secondary date just for the girls not able to make the 5th. Adhering to this will greatly help in having the appropriate number of evaluators at the field. Please register on the form that was provided in a previous email.
Thank you and look forward to seeing everyone there.
We have created a google form for players to fill out who are wanting to participate in BC Summer Games.
Event Registration Zone 7 Summer Games(male and female) (
April 12th Memo to Parents
BC Soccer Summer Games info – For Players born 2009 & 2010.
The 2024 BC Summer Games are scheduled to take place in Maple Ridge from July 18th to 21, 2024. Young athletes from across British Columbia will gather to compete in various sports during this exciting event!
Tryouts for players wanting to participate in the BC Summer Games for soccer are May 4th and May 5th, 2024 in Smithers BC. We are looking for the top 18 girls and 18 boys that will compete for our region (Zone 7) born in 2009 and 2010.
Coach: Dan Imhof (Boys)
Coach: Dan Hamhuis (Girls)
Tryouts Dates and Locations:
Zone 7 Boys Saturday May 4th (2 sessions)
10:00 am and 2:00 pm (approximate)
Location: Smithers (Chandler Park)
Zone 7 Girls Sunday May 5th (2 sessions)
11:00 am and 2:00 pm (approximate)
Location: Smithers (Chandler Park)
Players MUST attend and participate in tryouts to be on the team for BC Summer Games
Once the team is picked the fees are $250 each player ($175 goes to the BC Summer Games and $75 to BC Soccer). More details to follow.
Any questions, please let us know.
BVSS Board