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BC Soccer New Policies & Procedures for 2024

BC Soccer has approved the following new policies and procedures:

  • Coach Requirement Policy: Includes the coaching certification requirements, previously included in BC Soccer’s Rules and Regulations, along with outlining the minimum requirements for coaches in alignment with Canada Soccer’s Safe Sport Roster to ensure soccer programming in BC is as safe and effective as possible.

    • This policy provides a lead time for member organizations to comply with the requirements for coaches in both the youth and adult environments.

  • Emergency Injury Action Plan Policy: Outlines requirements of member  organizations and affiliated clubs to have an Emergency Injury Action Plan in place for all the locations where they provide soccer activities

    • This has been a requirement for coaches that take certification through NCCP in the past and is now added to BC Soccer policy from a safety in sport perspective.

  • Membership Procedures: In support of the BC Soccer bylaws, this outlines how organizations and individuals can become members of BC Soccer and the renewal process required to maintain membership.

Updated and New Policies and Procedures

Following the 2022-23 extensive annual review of the BC Soccer Policies, and Procedures, BC Soccer has updated and added new policies and procedures to come into effect on August 1st, 2023.


Updated Policies & Procedures: BC Soccer has updated the following policies and procedures:

  • Small Sided Development Policy: Updated to align with Canada Soccer’s changes to include Under 13 age group, stage, and format.

  • Concussion Policy: Removal of educational requirements for coaches now included in the new “Coach Requirement Policy”.

  • Risk Management Procedures: Outlines risk management practices and establish risk registry review process specific to BC Soccer.

  • Registration Procedures: updated to provide clarity on the rights of registered players and process for short-term player registration.